Digging will start on the Roman site at Highwood again on Friday March 16th. From then on there will be a session every second week and each session will last for five days The site is to the South-west of Harpsden near the Bottle and Glass public house. The site itself is wooded and quite uneven.

This year there will be two main trenches: one near to the path through High Wood. and one near the mound that was excavated by HA&HG between 1977 and 84. The first trench will seek to further explore a range of buildings that have been under investigation for the past two years. They appear to be workshops of some kind. The second trench will explore a corner of the enclosure wall. Expectations for this year are high as there are known walls and building materials in both areas.
There are opportunities for members of HA&HG to take part: whilst diggers are always needed finds processors are equally necessary, this may suit members who are not as agile as they once were. Equally, if you just want to visit the site it is quite normal for people walking through the wood to be invited into the site. If you park in Woodlands Road it is a level walk to High Wood. The main footpath through the wood goes past the site.
Anyone wishing to take part should contact Mike Vincent secretary@soagarch.org.uk . Mike as well as being the Secretary of the society also runs the administration of the
High Wood dig.

Andrew Allum