Henley Archaeological & Historical Group

News Items

Henley Bridge application P20/S3919/LB

Response to Planning Application: P20/S3919/LB Henley Bridge, Grade I Listed

Dear Ms. Phillpotts

The application for lifting the pavement of the pedestrian path to bury cables is lacking details with regards to these intrusive works and is therefore a matter of concern.

Whilst the pavement itself is modern and any broken slabs are easily replaced, the depth of the excavations shown in one schematic section drawing and one excavated hole give rise to concerns. – There is no guarantee that the material below the modern pavement covering the tops of the masonry making up the arches will be of the same consistency and depth throughout. – Therefore to avoid any accidental damage to the historic stonework it is essential that all excavation work is conditioned to be done by hand and under the supervision of either an archaeologist or buildings historian, or both.

Yours sincerely
Ruth Gibson, BA hons, Arch & History
Hon. Secretary Henley Archaeological & Historical Group