Henley Archaeological & Historical Group


Ten Shillings per Man

Speaker: Miles Clifford

Tue, 2 Jan 2024

About the lecture:

River Maintenance and the Archaeology of the Thames

More archaeological finds have been recovered from the Thames than any other river in Britain, with many of them being famous as the most spectacular and significant examples of their kind. Yet the archaeological record of the Thames is problematic, having accumulated gradually over the last 200 years.

In this talk, I will shed some light on how the management and maintenance of the river has shaped the body of material recovered from the river and will explore the meaning of archaeological ‘hotspots’ over 3000 years of human history. 

Our lecturer: Miles Clifford

Miles is a PhD student in Archaeology at the University of Reading conducting research into the archaeology of the Middle Thames through his AHRC-funded research project ‘Three Thousand Years of Rubbish and Ritual in the Thames’. His project is a collaborative endeavour situated at the heart of the Middle Thames Archaeological Partnership (MTAP), and drawing on expertise from the University of Reading, the University of Southampton, and the local heritage community.   
