The University of Oxford is not only very ancient and a renowned centre of academic
excellence but also contains the finest collection of medieval buildings in the country.
In his talk, Alastair will provide a broadly chronological history of the university, from
the early student halls and colleges to the world of present day research. He will also
provide descriptions of great libraries, museums and memorials found throughout the
city – plus favourite students’ pubs and college locations for Inspector Morse!
We hope to see you at the Barn on Tuesday evening for our lecture meeting!
If, however, you are unable to attend – then please join us via zoom.
Our lecturer: Alastair Lack
Alastair was an undergraduate at University College, Oxford where he read history. He pursued
a career at the BBC, mainly working for the World Service. In 2001 he became Head
of the Oxford University Alumni Office. He enjoys leading a variety of walking tours
which combine his knowledge of Town and Gown, and enthusiasm for history.