Henley Archaeological & Historical Group

Lucy’s Farm, Harpsden

Lucy’s Farm

Lucy’s Farm is shown on the 1586 Blagrave Map of the Harpsden Court Estate as a farmstead in the valley bottom, not far from the manor house and church. It was still in existence on the Tithe Map of 1842, but now only one barn survives, timber-framed and weatherboarded, however in a rather poor condition, much repaired and partly rebuilt. Much historical evidence in the form of wills and inventories of the tenant farmers (the Symons and Lucies) exists and illustrate this once substantial and well to do holding from the 16th century onwards.

Grid Reference: SU75498085
Parish: Harpsden
Surveyed in: 1985
Report written by: Ruth Gibson
Sort key: HAR-UNK-LUC