Nos 51 & 53 Friday Street is a timber-framed building of two bays, running parallel to the street and a rear wing, forming an L-shape. It is now sub-divided, rendered and with a slated front roof raised to give upstairs headroom over what probably started as a hall and cross-wing. It is located next to what was the ‘Parsonage Gateway’ and its history can be followed through thanks to this fixed location. The tiled and steeply pitched roof remains at the back and substantial timber framing of good scantling survives inside, i.e. a queen strut truss with cambered tie-beam and clasped purlins. This is another example of the creation of small cottages from substantial timber-framed houses here in this street; the plan form of substantial stacks at the rear wall of the front rooms supporting turned stairs is a typical device also seen at Gravett’s Cottages ( Nos 17 – 29 Friday Street ) as used by Benjamin Bradshaw.